John : people always think of london ' s double decker - buses 在伦敦有非常多的公共汽车。
Nominations included stonehenge , the double decker bus , fish and chips , the english weat yr and the cup of tea 提名名单中包含了巨石遗址、双层巴士、炸鱼片配薯条、英国天气和茶。
After his sojourn as hollywood s comedic action guy , there s no mistaking the made in hong kong pedigree on his latest nail - chomper , from the flyover - scraping chase on top of a runaway double decker to the virtuoso denouement on the roof - top slope of the convention and exhibition centre 成在戏里原是英明神武的探长,一次行动全队探员殉职,只他一个生还。自此他酗酒度日,信心全失,靠谢霆锋假扮的差人千方百计诱他重拾斗志。